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Writer's pictureMarie Jarvis

Debunking FODMAP Diets: Unraveling the Myth

Updated: Nov 2, 2023


Welcome to Marie Jarvis Nutrition, where we believe in providing evidence-based insights to help you achieve your optimal health. FODMAP stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols. These are short-chain carbohydrates (sugars) that the small intestine absorbs poorly. Some people experience digestive distress after eating them as they are consumed by the gut bacteria which has migrated to the small intestines. This means these foods are digested then fermented in the wrong place. This results in gassiness, bloating, diarrhoea and/or constipation. In my practice I work with lots of clients who have tried the FODMAP diet and find it incredibly hard to follow and often may feel even worse as a result. Foods high in FODMAPs include:

  • apples, blackberries, peaches and plums

  • artichoke, garlic, leek, onion and spring onion

  • wholemeal bread, rye bread, muesli containing wheat, wheat pasta and rye crispbread

  • red kidney beans, split peas, falafels and baked beans.

  • cashews and pistachios

Today, we delve into the controversial world of FODMAP diets and explore why they might not be the panacea they claim to be. While FODMAP diets have gained popularity, it is crucial to understand their limitations and why they may not work for everyone. Let's separate fact from fiction and uncover the truth about FODMAP diets.

1. The Complexity of Digestive Disorders

FODMAP diets are often recommended for individuals with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other digestive disorders. However, these conditions are incredibly complex and can manifest differently from person to person. As a result, there is no one-size-fits-all solution, and not everyone with digestive issues will find relief through FODMAP diets alone.

2. Nutrient Restriction

FODMAP diets can be highly restrictive, eliminating a wide range of foods that are otherwise healthy and beneficial. While these diets may provide short-term relief for some, they can also lead to potential nutrient deficiencies in the long run. Restricting certain food groups can deprive the body of essential vitamins, minerals, and fibre, impacting overall health and well-being. For an optimum digestive system, we need to nurture and support it with the right nutrients.

3. Psychological Impact

Constantly worrying about food choices and adhering to strict dietary restrictions can create anxiety and stress around eating. This is a common problem my clients have that have tried this approach. This psychological burden may exacerbate digestive symptoms, counteracting any potential benefits of the FODMAP diet. A holistic approach to health should address both physical and mental aspects.

4. Microbiome Diversity

The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in digestion and overall health. FODMAP diets can reduce the diversity of beneficial gut bacteria, leading to imbalances in the microbiome. A healthy and diverse gut microbiome is associated with better digestive function, immune system support, and mental well-being. To achieve this, we need to be eating a wide variety of foods with indigestible fibres such as fruit, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates which would include wholemeal and wholegrain foods.

5. Individual Variability

Each person's digestive system is unique, and what works for one individual may not work for another. While some people might experience significant improvements with a FODMAP diet, others may see no change or even worsened symptoms. Identifying trigger foods requires personalized approaches, considering an individual's specific reactions to different foods. If this is a struggle and you need help please don’t hesitate to book in for a free 30 minute gut reset call where we can discuss your issues and I can tell you about my programmes that may help you with this.

6. Long-Term Sustainability

FODMAP diets are designed to be temporary elimination diets, not long-term solutions. However, many people may struggle to reintroduce previously restricted foods, leading to a prolonged restrictive diet. A more sustainable approach involves gradually reintroducing foods and identifying personal triggers while maintaining a balanced diet. Start small and slow. One food over 3 days if you react to that food, do not try another food for 3 days.


At Marie Jarvis Nutrition, we advocate for a holistic and individualized approach to digestive health. While FODMAP diets have shown promise for some individuals with specific digestive disorders, they are not a universal solution and come with their own set of limitations. Understanding the complexity of digestive issues, acknowledging the potential drawbacks of strict dietary restrictions, and embracing personalized approaches are crucial steps towards achieving long-term digestive wellness. Remember, seeking professional guidance from a registered dietitian, nutritionist, nutritional therapist or healthcare provider can provide tailored strategies to support your unique digestive needs. Let's prioritize well-being and embark on a journey towards lasting health together.

Marie in the last few years has focused on improving the gut health of people. Most are diagnosed with IBS, IBD or struggling with acid reflux issues. Working with Marie will help you to get to the root cause of the problem and find out what really is going on with your gut. She will help to devise a protocol that to rebalance and nurture the delicate inner lining of your digestive system and help to reduce and manage symptoms effectively. If you want to find out more how Marie work either visit or book in for a 30 minute gut reset session.

Marie Jarvis is a BANT Registered Nutritional Therapist who helps people to make nutrition and lifestyle changes that will help improve the way your digestive system functions.

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